Friday, March 6, 2009

Church Wide Garage Sale

Our Student Ministries are in the middle of running a HUGE church wide garage sale. They use this event to raise money for their Spring Break Missions. Last year (from what I heard) the garage sale brought in $10,000. And that was with 2 semi-truck trailers full of stuff. This year, they filled 3 trailers. We were almost expecting less stuff because of how the economy is doing, but have been amazed by the generosity of those in our church (not to mention, partnering with a lady who runs estate sales--she's given all her leftovers to us).

The garage sale takes a lot of work, but it's been amazing to see how much support it can bring in.

This picture is of our south auditorium (the old sanctuary).

This is our north lobby which became the furniture showroom

And there was even more in the south lobby and outside! And another blessing--God gave us good weather!

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