Thursday, October 25, 2007

Being the Dreamer God Made Me to Be

I've always been a dreamer. As a child it meant I lived in imaginary worlds where I was the mother of twelve children, or the teacher to a class of third graders, or even living in the "olden days" helping with the underground railroad. As an adult, my imagination has transferred into dreaming for the future. In college, a speaker once said that her most frequent prayer is, "What dreams do You have for me, God?" Since then, I have been asking the same question, and have loved the response from Him!
It was God's dreams that showed me that I can be a Children's Ministries Director, even though I'm young and don't have children of my own. It was God's dreams that made it possible for me to be at a church that was willing to invest nine months of training into me in order to prepare me to lead this ministry. It was God's dreams that allowed my Executive Pastor to recognize that I am a dreamer and give me the freedom to do so.
For the last month I've felt like my dreams were slowing down. Life became full of the day to day without a passion and excitement for what could be. While that meant a lot of needed business was accomplished, there was so much desire for the future that lacked. But the dreams have once again started to spark! I've found how essential it is to have conversations with other dreamers. To be reminded that so often what could be should be. To see that excellence requires endurance--a willingness to tread through the challenges that come with making a dream a reality. But above all that, to be who God has created me to be--the dreamer He has created me to be, and to lead this ministry in that way.
I feel like God has Morning Star on the cusp of something great. For some reason, my mind went to the scene at the end of Mary Poppins when the winds change, signaling that it's time for Mary to move on; signaling a time of transition. The winds of dreams are starting to pick up, and oh how that excites me!

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