Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's even closer...

VBS is now 5 days away and I'm ready. Weird. But this sense of calmness I feel would only be a dream and a wish if it weren't for the number of volunteers we have signed up. Over the past few weeks I have been repeatedly blessed by the people in my church. All of our adult roles are filled and people are still signing up! If it weren't for the Corriene Thompsons and Wendy Rogers of our church, we'd be up to our eyeballs in cutting and sorting projects. If it weren't for the Lisa Nelsons and Lisa Munsons of our church we'd be scrambling to come up with "plan b" for making sure kids are cared for. From our breakfast bakers to our snack makers to our kid caretakers, the volunteers are the heart of Vacation Bible School. It doesn't matter what kind of lesson planning and program developing we do as a staff if we don't have the volunteers to make it happen. And now, 5 days away, I'm excited because I KNOW it's going to happen!

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